Eclipse and Java 6u21-b07

JDK 6u21 以降 + Eclipse 3.x で "OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" ...

Eclipse and Java 6u21 problems

今の Java 6u21(b07)では発生しないらしい。

Oracle JVM 6u21 and Eclipse

Update: Oracle has produced another build of 6u21 JVM that reverts the change that adversely affected Eclipse. If you have reverted back to an older JVM, you can safely move forward to 6u21. The build 1.6.0_21-b07 is safe to use. The version that Eclipse has trouble with is b06. You can check which version you have by running "java -version". More information in Sun Bug 6969236 for those who are interested.

In consideration to Eclipse and other potentially affected users, Oracle has restored the Windows Company Name property value to "Sun Microsystems". This value will be changed to "Oracle" in JDK 7.
The change affected only the Windows version of the JRE, not the versions for Solaris and Linux. To accommodate this update the Windows build version will increase from 6u21-b06 to 6u21-b07. Solaris and Linux distributions will continue to ship build 6u21-b06.

  • Windows版のJava 6u21-b06 → b07 でベンダー名プロパティがSunに戻った(Windows以外は影響ないのでそのまま)
  • とりあえずの対処 Java7ではまたOracleになる予定
  • Eclipseは3.6.1でこれに対処済